50 mountain farmers' children, a 10-kilometer journey to school, a childhood in the heart of Switzerland. The film shows the unusual life of mountain farmers' children in the heart of Switzerland. The filmmaker Alice Schmid was there with her camera for 365 days. The glow of flashlights in the dark, crunching boots in the snow: it is pitch-black when the children trudge to school, panting, early in the morning. The mountains near the small village of Romoos are called Oberänzi and Oberlänggrat, while the green valley is called Breitäbnet. Life here seems like something from another time. Children take the cable car to school. Up in the farms, every hand is needed. The children herd the cattle, mend the fences and help with the harvest. The animals need protection from the wolf. He has already killed 27 sheep. And the hawk takes the chickens. Despite all the effort, there is time to play in the beautiful nature. Happy children in summer meadows, folk dancing and brass band music. And yet more and more families are moving away. Finally, Christmas is just around the corner. Softly falls the snow.
50 mountain farmers' children, a 10-kilometer journey to school, a childhood in the heart of Switzerland. The film shows the unusual life of mountain farmers' children in the heart of Switzerland. The filmmaker Alice Schmid was there with her camera for 365 days. The glow of flashlights in the dark, crunching boots in the snow: it is pitch-black when the children trudge to school, panting, early in the morning. The mountains near the small village of Romoos are called Oberänzi and Oberlänggrat, while the green valley is called Breitäbnet. Life here seems like something from another time. Children take the cable car to school. Up in the farms, every hand is needed. The children herd the cattle, mend the fences and help with the harvest. The animals need protection from the wolf. He has already killed 27 sheep. And the hawk takes the chickens. Despite all the effort, there is time to play in the beautiful nature. Happy children in summer meadows, folk dancing and brass band music. And yet more and more families are moving away. Finally, Christmas is just around the corner. Softly falls the snow.