Feuer und Flamme

Short Film/Country & People, Germany 2010

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During a project week, special-needs student Sebastian writes stories. They are about his life in the home, first love, friendship and the fire brigade: “It's cool at the fire station. You can only join if you have the uniform. That's the rule. There is an attack troop that takes the first pipe and rescues and has a C-hose.” Every Wednesday, Sebastian puts on the youth fire brigade uniform and takes part in training. At 13 years old, he is the oldest in the group. The exercises for a fire attack involve hard physical work with complicated technology under time pressure. After that, there is an evaluation, critique and more practice. Somehow, the fire department can only function if everyone accepts their role and masters the clearly defined task. That is probably exactly what Sebastian and the other children like about the youth fire department.
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Bernd Sahling

Original title:

Feuer und Flamme

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16:9 SD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 12 years

Age rating:

FSK 12

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