Season 1 | Episode 3

Mord mit Aussicht

Comedy/Crime, Germany 2008

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The famous piano virtuoso Roman Lasmo is one of the few prominent inhabitants of Hengasch, but he has never been seen in the village. This changes when his wife asks the police to look after her husband, which Sophie and her colleagues promptly do. They discover that someone has robbed Lasmo of his little finger and is now blackmailing him. Of course, a life with nine fingers has a different value for a pianist than for a tax official, and so Sophie, Dietmar and Bärbel do everything they can to recover the finger in time and put the culprit behind bars.
48 min
FSK 12
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Arne Feldhusen


Gebhard Henke


Petra Kleinert (Heike Schäffer)

Caroline Peters (Commissioner Sophie Haas)

Bjarne Mädel (Chief Police Officer Dietmar Schäffer)

Meike Droste (Police Chief Bärbel Schmied)

Michael Hanemann (Hans Zielonka)

Hans Peter Hallwachs (Hannes Haas)

Original title:

Mord mit Aussicht

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

Audio language:
